Woodside Glen is located at the end of Mountain Rd, a few minutes drive from Outram. The first part of the track is easy going and most people should be able safely manage the stroll down to Lee Stream.
Arching trees near the start of Woodside track.
View from the Woodside Glen track
Once you reach Lee Stream, you need to cross it to continue on. A quick hop, skip and jump over a few rocks is all the skill required, just avoid those green slimy rocks.
Lee Stream, Woodside Glen Track.
Walk over the foreground rocks of Lee Stream to access the next part of Woodside Glen Track.
The next part of the track is a very steep climb. There is a sign warning only advanced hikers should carry on. I agree, as it was easily the most steep incline I have walked up, and it went on and on. The trail gets a little harder to follow, but just make sure you follow the orange arrows and you can’t go wrong.
Orange arrows line the track pointing you in the right direction.
The steep pathway goes up and up!
Woodside Glen Track
A young native tree catches sunlight.
After about 2 hours and around 6000 steps I cleared the bush cover and the landscape changed to tussock grass with large rock formations.
Woodside Glen Track.
Exposed nature of the land above the tree line on Woodside Glen track.
From above the tree line you can see below to the Taieri Plain, with Saddle Hill and the Pacific Ocean beyond. Up here you can be exposed to the elements so make sure you have a warm jacket.
View of Saddle Hill from Woodside Glen.
I walked as far as I could follow orange markers and then decided to turn around. From this point I believe the Maungatua Summit Track continues. Going down, while quicker, is also challenging. In total I walked about 11500 steps by the time I reached my car. Woodside Glen is a hard track to climb but highly rewarding when you see the end view.